Optical Solutions
FACE A FACE, San Diego Optometry
Posted by: Invision Optometry in Category Fine Eyewear
FACE, our face is our first impression to the world. It lets someone know if you are happy or sad, and tells a story about who you are. For some, a face is a reflection of how they want to be perceived by others, and how they perceive the world around them. FACES, at first… Read More
SALT Optics, San Diego Eyewear
Posted by: Invision Optometry in Category Fine Eyewear
Eyeglasses, for those of us who are optically challenged wearing eyeglasses is not something we looked forward to everyday. The truth is, in our mind fashion is an unlikely supporter of the optically challenged. Our style-conscious but shortsighted experience with glasses spurns practical considerations like seeing. So, we either choose to wear our glasses in… Read More