What Is Glaucoma

Posted by: Invision Optometry in Category Glaucoma

glaucoma vision simulation

Glaucoma is an eye condition that causes damage to the eye’s optic nerve. The optic nerve carries information about what is being seen from the eye to the brain. As the nerve becomes damaged over time, vision is lost. This can result in misty and patchy vision. The condition is often linked to a buildup of pressure inside the eye. As this pressure increases, damage to the optic nerve can occur. If the damage continues, it can eventually lead to permanent vision loss. Without treatment, glaucoma may result in total blindness within a few years. Any vision that is lost as a result of glaucoma cannot be recovered. However, if diagnosed early, with careful monitoring and regular treatments, many individuals retain useful sight for life.

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What Causes Glaucoma

One of the common causes of glaucoma is high pressure inside the eye. Elevated intraocular pressure (ocular hypertension) is a concern because it is one of the main risk factors for glaucoma. It is caused by an imbalance in the production and drainage of fluid in the eye (aqueous humor). Your eyes are constantly making this fluid, and as new aqueous humor is created in your eye, the same amount should drain out. This process helps keep pressure in the eye stable. However, if the fluid that drains out through an area called the angle is not working properly, fluid builds up. As a result, pressure inside the eye rises, damaging the optic nerve. As nerve fibers die, blind spots will begin to develop in your vision. Unfortunately, these blind spots may go unnoticed until it is too late.

Types of Glaucoma

The most common type of glaucoma is open-angle glaucoma. Open-angle glaucoma gives no warning symptoms in its early stages. In many cases, a person with this type of glaucoma is completely unaware of the damage that has been done to their field of vision. This is because the damage occurs in the off center parts of the field of vision. Since both eyes work together, one eye fills in for the other, so that blank patches are not noticed. This is why glaucoma is called the silent thief of sight. Open-angle glaucoma accounts for at least 90% of all casesSecondary glaucoma is a less common form of glaucoma. In this type of glaucoma, there are various ways in which the eye pressure rises. Its cause is secondary to another condition. In other words, it has an identifiable cause as a result of something else. Normal tension glaucoma is a type of glaucoma where the eye pressure is within normal ranges, but signs of glaucoma begin to show. This can include blind spots in the field of vision and optic nerve damage. Glaucoma suspects include people with higher than normal eye pressure or other sign of glaucoma risks.

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What Are The Symptoms of Glaucoma

Most people do not have any symptoms. Glaucoma is usually painless and does not cause symptoms until it is quite advanced. The first sign is loss of peripheral, or side vision. If drainage of the eye suddenly becomes completely blocked, pressure will build up rapidly. This is known as angle-closure glaucoma, and may result in symptoms including severe eye pain, blurred vision, headache, halos around lights, nausea, and vomiting.

Glaucoma Prevention

The best form of prevention against glaucoma damage is getting an annual comprehensive eye exam. Early detection and careful, lifelong treatment can help you maintain your vision. No matter what your age is, getting an annual comprehensive eye exam is important. While there are no known ways of preventing glaucoma, vision loss can be prevented if the disease is recognized in the early stages.

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Glaucoma Treatment

Early glaucoma usually has no symptoms; therefore, routine eye exams are critical in the prevention of the disease. If left untreated, glaucoma initially causes loss of peripheral vision and can eventually lead to blindness. Treating glaucoma successfully is a team effort. At Invision Optometry, our experienced glaucoma certified eye doctors are here to help monitor and treat the disease for you, should that be necessary. If you have questions about your eyes or treatment call us at (619) 222-2020 to learn how we can help.

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